朋 友 "Friends" (譚 詠 麟 Alan Tam) English and Cantonese Versions with Lyrics Provided

朋 友  "Friends" (譚 詠 麟  Alan Tam) English and Cantonese Versions with Lyrics Provided

Dedicate this meaningful song to my dear friends; far and near, old and new. Let’s cherish our friendship especially in this unprecedented time.

Now anytime you've got a problem, I'll be there to help you solve 'em You know oh
When you've got a friend by your side, you're not alone
And you know that when you're feelin' brokenhearted, I'll be there to get you started again my friend
You know I care so I'll be there, now until the end of time
Cause you're a friend, friend of mine.

Try to identify your pics in my video cover. My apology to those whom I may have overlooked and not able to accommodate in the cover.
Stay safe and healthy, dear friends, till we are able to meet again in person.

Do watch my other vid songs on my channel under “mnlee11”:
https://youtu.be/A_b4zrSaatc (老了兄弟 We’re Getting Old, Brothers (with Lyrics, Pinyin & English Translation)
https://youtu.be/mmWlRfIwFfw (當 你 老 了 (Dāng nǐ lǎole) When You Are Old)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FtCpmLAxWG8 (路過人間 (lùguò rénjiān) Passing By (the World)
https://youtu.be/tzGsLebfSic (可可托海的牧羊人 The Shepherd of Keketuohai (with Lyrics, Pinyin & English Translation)
https://youtu.be/-ZIU5eBHzuM Reminiscing “All of me” @ The Rhine Cruise, Germany (德国莱茵河游轮)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=keJKCrzaT94&t=83s (“Sanctuary” @ SBS Taiping, Malaysia (避难所-太平护法苑)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F5Y0bi54304 (Bhutan Adventure (不丹): Sights and Sounds of Thimphu (廷布)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WjAOAB8_lfQ I (Bhutan Adventure (不丹): Trekking the Tiger’s Nest Monastery in Paro (帕罗)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s01fX0Vu0hM (Mysterious Tibet Part 1)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Bq11dWnJZo&t=2s (Mysterious Tibet Part 2)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JESZ0YvndYY (Lima, Peru: South America Adventure (秘鲁,南美之旅)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hPvQdFc_uhE (Russia: The Red Square, Moscow)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AAXhlnjw-90&t=52s (Russia: St Petersburg River Cruise)

Be sure to SUBSCRIBE so as not to miss any of my videos.
This video is created for educational and inspirational purposes only. No monetary gain has been acquired by using the music track.
Disclaimer: No copyright infringement intended. All rights strictly go to the image owners and singer.

FriendsFriend of MineAlan Tam

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