Apex Legends Added Secret Buff + Rare Abilities

Apex Legends Added Secret Buff + Rare Abilities

Apex Legends is a game all about movement and legend abilities and sometimes when the devolpers are working on the game some things get past them and they end up buffing a character more than they ment to or add in abilties that are a little game breaking and never notice or end up fixing them. This is still taking place all the way leading up to season 10. This video will show you some legends who have buffs and abilties that are actually stronger than what the Dev's intended to make along with some tricks on how to actually do them to use them to your advantage in matchmaking or ranked. Some of these were actually just discovered this past weekend and some go back even further and still have not been phased out of the game so its impossible to tell whether Respawn ever plans to fix these.

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Apex Legends buffs season 9apex legends buffs season 10apex legends secret buffs

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