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Well things are getting back to normal! We are working on putting things away and cleaning up after the wedding. Soon we will be back to working on the building and cutting wood aka the finer things in life!
Our Website: https://www.outdoorswiththemorgans.com
Our FaceBook Page https://www.facebook.com/outdoorswiththemorgans
Our Instagram https://instagram.com/outdoorswiththemorgans?igshid=6xry8i45zipa
Our Amazon Affiliate Store https://www.amazon.com/shop/influencer-0dd9f808
Our Address: Outdoors with the Morgans
P.O. Box 2140
Cranberry Twp. Pa 16066
Partners and Sponsors
Kubota USA https://www.kubotausa.com
Wolfe Ridge Log Splitters https://www.wolferidgemfg.com
Exmark Commercial Mowers https://www.exmark.com
Exmark Backyard Life https://backyard.exmark.com/ambassador/outdoors-with-the-morgans/
Stihl http://www.stihlusa.com
Wallenstein https://www.wallensteinequipment.com
Kubota KX-057-4 Excavator
Kubota MX 5400 Utility Tractor
Kubota BX 23S Subcompact Tractor
ExMark Lazer Z S Series Zero Turn Mower
Wolfe Ridge Pro 22C Commercial Log Splitter
Woodmizer LX 150 Sawmill
We live in Western Pa. and Have around 100 Acres of Land, About 1/2 is ours the rest is my moms, We have 4 kids and one grandchild, 3 Golden Retrievers and one Cat. We enjoy working on our property and making improvements. We sell firewood and soon will be selling hardwood lumber.