In the wider technical community - open source has won. Open source programming languages, browsers and even hardware are routinely used in commercial software development. Discussions of open source are a mainstay of conferences, podcasts and blogs and companies such as Google, Microsoft and Facebook have massive investments in building and maintaining open source projects.
Despite game development’s culture of sharing, open source isn’t nearly as prevalent, either from a usage, release or communication perspective.
In this talk, we’ll review the state of the wider open source ecosystem, and discuss commercial motivations at both a personal and company wide level as well as the costs that are associated. We’ll also look at what makes a healthy open source project, both from a creator and contributor perspective, and together we can change the culture of open source in game development!
RSA ANIMATE: Drive: The surprising truth about what motivates us: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u6XAPnuFjJc