A good honest conversation never hurt anyone, Fols Forever, Mr Vans & Chrissy (off camera) are back for Episode 299 of OFF THE CUFF PODCAST!!!
TOPICS - Should we need ID to access social media
- Racism against Black England football players
- How can tech companies combat online hate?
- Can we trust the Government with our information?
To listen to the full audio to this podcast, please check out all the links below episode titled ‘THE ITALIAN JOB’ available on Soundcloud, Spotify & the Apple podcast app.....
SOUNDCLOUD - https://soundcloud.app.goo.gl/u8kw5ma75weYtYNn8
SPOTIFY - https://open.spotify.com/episode/444D63TWhZbTLKZfjbDjd9?si=j5LhAtgqRge-l2a_mIK5NQ&dl_branch=1
APPLE PODCASTS - https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/off-the-cuff-podcast/id1153347287?i=1000528966966
#OFFTHECUFFPOD #OnlineHate #PritiPatel
Twitter/Instagram - @offthecuffpod
Fols - @folsforever
Vans - @mrvans7
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