Foods to reduce blood sugar and bp - spices in tamil | Dr Karthikeyan part 2
#diabetesfoods || #spicesmedicine || #foods || #doctorkarthikeyan || #tamil
In this video, dr karthikeyan explains about the medicinal benefits of spices such as turmeric, ginger, cardamom, cinnamon, fenugreek and garlic in tamil. We use these ingredients commonly in our food and these spices in food are part of our food culture. These spices have various antioxidant, antiinflammatory, antiageing, antiglycaemic sugar reducing, hypolipidaemic, cholesterol LDL reducing, blood pressure reducing properties and many other health benefits.
Doctor Karthikeyan MBBS., MD (Community Medicine)
Dr Karthikeyan MBBS., MD (Community Medicine)
Email: karthikspm@gmail.com
Website: https://www.doctorkarthikeyan.com
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