Hands | Fear of ... | Chirophobia

Hands | Fear of ... | Chirophobia

What can cause someone to fear HANDS? After all, we all have them! Chirophobia is a fear of hands.

What is a phobia?

A Phobia is an extreme or irrational fear of or aversion to something. This can be an excessive and persistent fear of a specific object, person, animal or situation. Typically, the fear is greater than the threat itself and a person will try to avoid the ‘thing’ that might trigger the fear or they endure it with great distress. Phobias are identified as a mental disorder that causes overwhelming anxiety and fear.

When a fear or anxiety becomes a greater threat than the actual specific object, person, animal or situation, a normally healthy fear or anxiety can become an excruciating phobia.

All phobias can hinder a person's everyday activities to some extent, and in certain situations, they are the underlying cause of anxiety and sadness.

What is Chirophobia?

It is the extreme or irrational fear of hands.

When a person with Chirophobia is exposed to hands, they will feel extremely anxious. The Phobic will try to prevent using their hands at all costs, which is unrealistic because we use our hands for everything. Hands can cause the individual stress just by looking at them or thinking about them. In any event, a sufferer will avoid staring at someone else's or their own hands.

Even thinking about hands, let alone seeing them in real life, can cause a great deal of anxiety for someone with this condition. This person may refuse to shake other people's hands. They will also be afraid of being touched since they perceive hands as a potential source of danger.

These can have a negative impact on a person's mental health and daily life.
Because they have the potential to severely limit someone's life to the point where they are unable to maintain a regular personal and social life.

What causes Chirophobia?

Despite the fact that the specific causes of Chirophobia are unknown, most mental health professionals agree that both genetics and environmental variables play important roles in the development of any mental condition. Chirophobia is more likely to develop in someone who has a family history of anxiety disorders or particular phobias than in someone who does not.

A variety of factors may contribute to the fear of hands:

• Chirophobia is caused by either genetics or a painful incident in the past

• Someone may have sexually assaulted or abused the person as a child (or had been inappropriately touched)

• A traumatic event, such as a serious hand injury

• A long-term illness, such as arthritis, is a common reason

• Anyone who has witnessed or heard of someone being harmed or beaten up can identify hands with violence, and as a result, they can associate hands with violence

Coronavirus and YOUR hands

The coronavirus outbreak is another factor that may contribute to the development of Chirophobia.

Some factors that may play a role in the fear of hands tend to involve:

• People now resist shaking hands and making physical contact

• When hands touch too many surfaces, viruses can quickly spread

• The virus can be transferred from your hands to your face, where it can spread throughout your body and make you sick

• Having to wash your hands on a regular basis

• Having to sanitize your hands on a regular basis

What are the symptoms of Sociophobia?

Although a person with this condition may intentionally ignore their fear in order to reduce their chances of experiencing immediate anxiety, doing so may actually worsen their Chirophobia symptoms in the long term because they will be validating their dread to themselves.

The following are some of the most common physical signs and symptoms:

• Excessive anxiety when exposed to hands

• Anxiety when thinking of hands

• Avoid looking at people's hands at all costs

• Avoiding hands
• Withdrawn from others

• Inability to manage anxiety


Do You Suffer From Chirophobia?
If so, how do you cope with it?

The Phobia Channel appreciates your input!

Thank You | Saha | Shukriya | ありがとうございました | Tack | Kia ora | 謝謝你 | Mulțumesc | Faafetai | Salmat | 감사합니다 |

The Phobia Channel would sincerely like to thank the following talented artists:

Image by Marek Studzinski from Pixabay

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• Please note that the content on The Phobia Channel is for information only.

• The Phobia Channel does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

• Please consult a qualified healthcare provider for guidance with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition, diagnosis, or treatment.

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ChirophobiaChirophobia factsChirophobia disorder

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