Heritage Protection in the MENA Region: Building Back Better Together

Heritage Protection in the MENA Region: Building Back Better Together

Cultural heritage in the Mena region has been negatively affected by dramatic events such as conflicts, deliberate destruction, and systematic spoliation of historical sites by clandestine diggers. Yet, heritage can help heal wounds among communities, by uniting societies with diverse cultures and backgrounds. How to protect cultural heritage during wars, and Covid-19? How to relaunch tourism industries after the pandemic? How to unlock the potential of culture and creativity for sustainable development? How to strengthen international cooperation on cultural heritage?
Panel discussion
-Zaki Aslan, Director, ICCROM-Sharjah Regional Office
-Omar Mohammed, Founder, Mosul Eye, Iraq
-Cecilia Piccioni, Deputy Director General and Principal Director for Promotion of Italian Language and Culture, Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
-Helene Sader, Professor, History and Archaeology, American University of Beirut
-Serena Giusti, Senior Associate Fellow, ISPI; Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Pisa
The live stream of the event will be available on July 14 at 3 pm CEST
[The event will be held in English only]

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