If You are Happy and You Know It πŸ˜ƒπŸŽΆ Nursery Rhymes for Kids | Lingokids

If You are Happy and You Know It πŸ˜ƒπŸŽΆ  Nursery Rhymes for Kids | Lingokids

If You are Happy and You Know It + Nursery Rhymes for Kids | Check out our Songs for Kids Playlist ➽ https://bit.ly/songs-to-learn-english | Subscribe and playlearn with us! ➽ https://bit.ly/subscribe-to-lingokids ​| Get the Lingokids App and start the playlearningβ„’ adventure! (iOS & Android) ➽ https://go.onelink.me/2340686786?pid=youtube&c=YTdescription&af_adset=actionsongs-compilation&af_web_dp=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.lingokids.com/app%2F%3Futm_source%3Dyoutube%26utm_medium%3Dyoutube

Get your little ones moving with this compilation of action songs for kids! The perfect playlist to get you grooving and blow off some steam with the Lingocrew, all whilst improving your kids' vocabulary!
#ifyouarehappyandyouknowit #actionsongsforkids #lingokids

In this music video for kids:
00:00 Action Songs for Kids
00:02 If you are happy and you know it
01:52 ABC Chant Dance
04:12 Washing Hands Song
06:08 Don't Stop Baby Bot
08:34 Bubbles Dance
10:29 Walking Walking
12:14 Let's Dance Baby Shark
15:10 Bathroom Routines Song for Kids
16:56 LingoCamp Friendship Chant
18:50 Pat-a-Cake
21:26 Head Shoulders Knees and Toes
23:28 I'm a Little Teapot
24:27 Body Parts Names Song
25:10 This is the Way
πŸ“±πŸ’™ Keep playlearningβ„’! Get the Lingokids app available on iTunes and Google Play: https://go.onelink.me/2340686786?pid=youtube&c=YTdescription&af_adset=actionsongs-compilation&af_web_dp=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.lingokids.com/app%2F%3Futm_source%3Dyoutube%26utm_medium%3Dyoutube
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Lingokids is an interactive learning app that will introduce your child to English and take them on an exciting, fun-filled adventure! We are an early learning app for children ages 2-8 that focuses on language skills such as English pronunciation, vocabulary, ABC (English alphabet), writing, and more.

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if you are happy and you know it nursery rhymesif you are happy and you know itabc

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