This is my first playthrough through this game. Kindly avoid posting spoilers in the comments or solutions to puzzles either in this video or future ones so as not to spoil the experience for me or those that haven’t seen the game before.
With the basics of the plot laid out and the interface roughly explained – I make no claims to be an expert with the games mechanics, new to it as I am – it's time to take our first steps in the land. You'd think that we'd want to start heading south to Krondor right away but there's actually a settlement close by to the north that's worth visiting. There's people to talk to, things to get and lore to uncover.
Though the game is trying to impress upon us a sense of urgency, there's a LOT off the beaten track to examine. Items galore are available in hidden away locations, NPCs that provide you with useful information and even training can be run across and side quests discovered. With our party so poorly equipped for a long journey, it behooves us to gather as many resources as we can to make our first few combats easier for they're often the hardest. It also gives me more time to discover and get used to the many, many mechanics that are hidden away in as-yet unexplored menus.