Learn how to make your own cloth hand-washable face mask to protect yourself or loved ones. Download the free pattern in my online at https://create.clarerowley.com - Our Stick and Tear non-woven stabilizer adds a protective layer within the fabric and works great for sanding wood and other crafts projects where a mask is recommended! This mask is very comfortable so you won't touch your face and reduce your chance of spreading diseases. BE
WELL For best results, hand wash & air dry.
INK your own fabric video
FABRIC INKS - for making your own designs on your mask fabric.
These inks, have been tested and remain colorfast after repeated washings. They remain soft and vibrant through washings with only an iron used to set them for the 50/50 cotton polyester fabric used in this video. 100% cotton fabric did not need even ironing to maintain the high quality and vibrant colors you see in this video.
Products Used in This Tutorial
Satinedge foot (aka: Magic Foot)
Sequins & Ribbon Foot (used for sewing elastic)
Stick and Tear Stabilizer ( TREE FROG) Made from non-woven polyester material designed originally for floating your fabric when embroidering.
Liquid Baste - wet water-soluble stabilizer that we use LIKE a glue.
Wooden Pressers - Iron replacement
Expect at minimum a 2 week wait period for your handmade presser made by Clare Rowley in the USA
Cutter Pillar - LIGHT TABLETS (the brightest on the market)
SEE-THRU Cutting mats make accurate cuts so much easier! Support Clare's channel by ordering direct from www.creativefeet.com
Ultra tablet - as seen in this video with the standard mat that is included with the board. Other options are listed at this link.
#clarerowley #creativefeet #octihoops #createwithclarerowley
Klip-it Clips
Clips CUBBY - docking station for clips and other small items used during the sewing process are listed in the pull-down menu under the same link.
Rolling Rulers
CREATE with Clare Rowley - Online School (FREE)
JOIN NOW https://create.clarerowley.com/
Download the pattern after you've joined and become a student of sewing, quilting, embroidery and know that you're getting a valid, scientific fact-based education from Clare Rowley, Inventor of the Creative Feet brand products and your host.
Mask information & Guidance from the CDC https://www.cdc.gov/flu/professionals/infectioncontrol/maskguidance.htm
CORONA VIRUS & other Health Information from the USA
https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/index.html Information about
COVID-19 in the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov
Coronavirus advisory information World Health Organization
Coronavirus condition overview World Health Organization