Minimalist closet inventory | Returning to simplicity

Minimalist closet inventory | Returning to simplicity

Recently I have found myself searching for the perfect pair of jeans so I can be happy. When the jeans don't work, I start looking for something else. It's common for people to buy things in an attempt to fill a void, but the happiness and satisfaction from a new purchase doesn't last. It's not long before we again start looking for something else in our external world to bring us happiness.

On the road to the simple life, I have decided to take an inventory of my closet to see if there is really anything that I truly need or if it is just an emptiness that seeks to be filled. I have discovered that it's the latter.

Items that I will not be keeping will be listed on Vinted and Depop. Check them out.

Link to Vinted →
Link to Depop →


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