WEEK 3: DAY 3 and 4
TOPIC: Musical Instruments and other Sound Sources from Cordillera, Mindoro,
Palawan and of the Visayas
MELCS: Identifies the musical instruments and other
sound sources from Cordillera, Mindoro, Palawan, and of the Visayas
Brief Introduction:
Musical Instruments of Cordillera:
1. Gangsa - a single hand-held smooth surfaced gong with a narrow rim.
Gangsa is played in two ways:
*Toppaya (sitting position)
*Pattung (standing position).
2. Kalaleng or Tongali - a long and narrow nose flute made of bamboo.
3. Tongatong - a bamboo percussion instrument in various lengths used by the people of Kalinga to communicate with spirits during house blessings
4. Diwdiw-as - a five or more set of slender bamboo pipes that is arranged from longest to shortest and is tied together. This is played by blowing through the ends of the pipe.
5. Saggeypo - a bamboo pipe that is closed on one end by a node with the open end held against the lower lip of the player as he blows on the top
6. Solibao - a hollow wooden Igorot drum topped with pig or lizard skin that is played by striking the drumhead using the palm of the hand
7. Bungkaka - a bamboo buzzer of Kalinga
8. Kulitong - a polychordal (two or more chords) bamboo tube zither of Kalinga
9. Ulibaw - bamboo Jew’s harp
10. Patangguk
bamboo quill-shaped tubes with a hole near the closed end. This is played by hitting the bamboo on a small piece of wood while covering and uncovering the hole with the thumb.
11. Pateteg - bamboo leg xylophone
Musical Instruments of Mindoro:
1. Bangsi - an external duct flute, which has a chip glued on to the tube of the flute. This is also called a transverse flute.
2. Subing or Kinaban (Jaw’s Harp) - a bamboo jaw harp played by putting your lips and plucking the slightly pointed end. It is also known as “kubing.”
Other indigenous groups such as T’boli, Ifugao, and Maranao also have their own version of subing.
3. Gitgit - a three-string indigenous violin with human hair for strings
4. Agong - a wide-rimmed pail-
shaped metal with a circle in the middle, vertically suspended gongs which are also used by the Maranao, Maguindanao, and Tausug people of the Philippines as a supportive instrument in kulintang ensemble
5. Kalutang - percussion sticks played in pairs.
Musical Instruments of Palawan:
1. Aruding - bamboo jaw harp; an instrument made of bamboo or metal, with a thin flexible tongue made to vibrate by plucking the tip of the instrument while the player’s mouth will serve as the resonator.
2. Suling - a banded bamboo flute
3. Basal - a set of wide-rimmed
vertically suspended gongs
4. Kusjapi - or kusyapiq; a lute
which is considered a man’s instrument. It plays with another pagang or another lute accompanied by the alternate improvised singing between men and women.
5. Pagang - a polychordal bamboo zither. It consists of a bamboo tube about 12 cm in diameter closed at both ends by nodes, partially open for better resonance.
Music Instruments of Visayas:
1. Tultugan
the Hiligaynon and Kiniray-a word for the indigenous bamboo drum. It is the emerging festival of the province and the region. The fiesta traces the Maasianon cultural heritage and pays tribute to the bamboo as a musical instrument.
2. Harp - called alpa or alfa in Visayas, is a diatonic harp adapted from the harp from Europe
3. Band - a group of brass and woodwind instrumentalists marching in the streets or playing in the open air
4. Rondalla - an ensemble of stringed instruments played with the plectrum or pick. It originated in Spain. The word rondalla is from the Spanish ronda, meaning "serenade."
Instruments of the Rondalla:
Bandurria – has fourteen strings, tuned in the intervals of fourths and a pear-shaped
body made of wood (rosewood or langka wood).
Laud – also has fourteen strings and tuned
the same as the bandurria’s, though the body is slightly longer and bigger than it.
Thus, it produces lower tone than the bandurria.
Octavina – has fourteen strings tuned same as the banduria but sounds an
octave lower for its body is bigger than the banduria. Its body resembles a small guitar.
Guitar – has six strings which adds to the harmony of the group.
Bajo de arco – double bass; has four strings and is played by plucking the strings.