On the Subject of Vaccination

On the Subject of Vaccination

Vaccination is important, being informed is also important. Please be careful about what you read online, especially on social media: The people presenting the information to you are probably not the most well versed in the matter. Stay safe.

Despite my overwhelming fear of syringes, I'm still doing my part to protect those more vulnerable than me.

I found this nugget in the middle of editing another video (coming soon) and it didn't fit the rest of the video, but still wanted to share it.

Sources ↴
(PT) Reopening of Discos might work as an incentive to vaccination of young adults: https://observador.pt/2021/07/15/reabertura-de-discotecas-podera-funcionar-ser-incentivo-a-vacinacao-dos-jovens-admite-governo/
Studies on vaccination trust and other stuff: https://www.eurofound.europa.eu/publications/report/2021/living-working-and-covid-19-update-april-2021-mental-health-and-trust-decline-across-eu-as-pandemic

Songs ↴
Calamity Mod - The Tale of a Cruel World https://youtu.be/b8A_FGr4Pjo
Outro song: Ean Grimm - Old King Tavern https://youtu.be/8rwUlEgaKPM?t=604 (tubersongs.com)


I occasionally stream on both Youtube and Twitch. Feel free to say hi https://twitch.tv/mastahiro

"Blessed in he who expects nothing, for he shall never be disappointed." - Alexander Pope


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