Virtual Work Is A Necessity, Belay Has The Solutions

Virtual Work Is A Necessity, Belay Has The Solutions

Before Covid, virtual working was a cute fascination. After Covid, virtual work is a necessity and it saved lives. IT also saved, gasoline, wear and tear on our clothing. It saved money on office rent and virtual working made it possible to live anywhere in the world and work right where you always have. Perhaps you are a business owner or you run an organization like a church or a non-profit. Before Covid you wanted everyone to be in the office 8 to 5. Now you would just love it if you could get people to take a job with you. We bring you the story of Belay Solutions today. They are a kingdom company focused on bringing kingdom excellence to your organization through their virtual assistants who can help you with virtual assistants, virtual bookeepers, web specialists and social media strategists. They can provide you with staffing solutions and they do all the hard work so it is easy for you. Today we are going to hear from Lisa Zeeveld, the CFO and COO of Belay, online at We are going to hear her Jesus story and the kingdom story of Belay and the impact they are having in organizations nationwide.

Our time today with Lisa Zeeveld was fun and energetic as this CFO and COO for Belay shared about the pleasure of working for a company with Godly values. From her first position at BELAY, she learned that the number 1 value of God could direct her steps at her work. In the early days Lisa worked as a Virtual Assistant while doing the company finances. BELAY sees how they can help busy people redeem their time and be more productive by having a great working relationship with a virtual assistant.

Martha asked Lisa if she is ministering to the clients or those who serve the clients and Lisa admitted that it is actually both. She has the pleasure of praying with staff before meetings, helping them when they need encouragement, and serving the clients to meet their needs. BELAY has been virtual from the very beginning of it’s existence and they work hard to keep the culture consistent. This includes having all of the virtual assistants memorize their mission.

In these current times there are 2 employment issues, finding people that want to work and companies that need workers. BELAY pays fair wages and endeavors to take good care of their people while serving their clients well. It’s a win for everyone.

What a fun conversation with Lisa as we learned more about how God prepared BELAY for such a time as this.

Featured Guests: Lisa Zeevelt

Ministry/Workplace: BELAY -

iWork4Him Audio Podcast -

iWork4Himtalk showfaith and work

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