#allotment #richardandpaul #gardening
Monday was wet, and Paul could not do what he expected to do so has a waffle in the shed and harvests Nantes Carrots and Golden Gate French Beans; Wednesday Paul puts in the brassicas that he found lurking in the polytunnel last week - they may bolt or they may grow...; Friday Paul is looking at tree-work that needs to happen at the back of the polytunnel, which takes him back to woodsmen doing the milling of trees on site at Vanessa's land on Tuesday; Saturday was a busy morning with a working party on site so Paul talks about how he is going to compost Two Farmers crisp packets; and Sunday does not go as expected, so a bed that he wanted to get done will have to wait for another day...
Paul's series 'A Week at the Plot' is his mini vlogs of mainly handheld raw footage of what he has been up to at the plot each week; little and often, and all about gardening, what's growing, being sown, harvested, enjoyed and much more.
'A Week at the Plot' is not necessarily daily vlogs, though regular short ones that are strung together, topped and tailed, and posted on YouTube on a Monday. These are in addition to all the regular video uploads of allotment growing, gardening, harvesting, sowing and our monthly plot tours at our UK No Dig allotment in West London.
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