[FactPlus] Preparing to Enter the Kingdom of Heaven Is The Best Way to Live a Good Life | WMSCOG

[FactPlus] Preparing to Enter the Kingdom of Heaven Is The Best Way to Live a Good Life | WMSCOG

Let’s suppose that you have to visit a foreign country for the first time.

You should do some research about the culture, lifestyle, food,
and weather to prepare well before visiting that country.

This is the same kind of preparation we need to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.
We should carefully prepare to go to the place where we can live forever.

Then, how can we prepare to enter the Kingdom of Heaven?

#WorldMissionSocietyChurchofGod #Ahnsahnghong #GodtheMother
#Heaven #secret #way #preparation #eternallife #promise #Jesus #Newcovenant #Passover
#NewcovenantPassover #breadandwine

[This video is copyrighted by the World Mission Society Church of God. Unauthorized copying and distribution are prohibited.]

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