Good Pair Days - Konpira Maru 'Pan Opticon' Riesling blend 2021

Good Pair Days - Konpira Maru 'Pan Opticon' Riesling blend 2021

Sam Cook and Alastair Reed are two blokes committed to doing things their own way. A wine merchant and a wine educator respectively, they set up Konpira Maru back in 2014 with the aim of sourcing fruit from unknown vineyards across Australia and making the kinds of wines they wanted to drink, but didn't know existed.

Their vineyard sources stretch from the fringes of Melbourne, to New England in NSW, all the way up to the Granite Belt in Queensland for this idiosyncratic project, a veritable liquorice all-sorts! The wines are made without additions, naturally fermented, sent to bottle straight from whatever vessel they hang out in for a spell.

There are zero boundaries at Konpira Maru, whether that's with winemaking, blending or indeed naming the wines themselves. They refer to this as 'Bucket science and good times'....and the wines certainly are a good time!

A blend of Riesling, Pinot Gris and Gewürzt, grown in the Merkel Vineyard, which sits at 550m above sea level, near Mount Bellevue on a forgotten outpost of Whitlands. Offers up all the expected citrus notes that this varietal blend should show, with a tropical edge, along with fresh green pear. Lovely texture and satisfying, juicy acidity. Very wonderful.

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