يا سَعدَ قومٍ باللهِ فازوا O happy people, by God, they have won

يا سَعدَ قومٍ باللهِ فازوا  O happy people, by God, they have won

يا سَعدَ قومٍ باللهِ فازوا ولم يَروا في الورى سواهُ
قربهم منهُ واجتباهُمْ فنزهوا الفِكرَ في عُلاهُ
ليسَ لهم للسِوى التفاتٌ كيف وقد شاهدوا سَناهُ
تجلّى بالنور والبهاءِ لهم فقالوا يا هو يا هو
فقال أنا لكم محبٌ ربٌ كريمٌ نِعمَ الإلهُ
أقبلُ مَن تابَ مِن عبادي ولا أبالي بما جَناهُ
الملكُ مُلكي والأمرُ أمري والعِزُّ عِزي فادخلْ حِماهُ
ما ذاقَ طعمَ الغرام إلا مَن عَرفَ الوصلَ أو دراهُ
ما قلتُ للقلب أيُّ حِبِّي إلا وقالَ الضميرُ اللهُ
إني إذا ما ذكرتُ ربي أهتزُّ شوقاً إلى لقاهُ
أهيمُ وحدي بصدقِ وَجدي وحُسنِ قَصدي عسى أراهُ
فانظُر إلى الكون باعتبارٍ في أرضِ مَولاك وسماهُ
واسمع إذا غَنّت المثاني تقولُ يا هو لبيكَ اللهُ
لبيك اللهُ

O how felicitous are a people who attained Allah

And saw nothing in existence but Him

He drew them near to Him and chose them

So their minds declared Him to be free from every imperfection

They have no inclination to other than Him

How could that be when they have witnessed His exaltedness!

He revealed [Himself] to them by [His] light and splendour,

so they said "O He Who is!”

So He said to them, "I love you!

A generous Lord! Wonderful God!

I accept those of My slaves who repent

And I don't care what they have done

The Kingdom is Mine, the Command is Mine,

Might is Mine”
So enter His sanctuary!

None knows the taste of passion, except

Those who know union

Never did I say to my heart, “Who is my beloved?”

Except it said, “Allah!”

Whenever I remember my Lord,

I rejoice with longing to meet Him!

I roam alone in my true ecstasy,

my beautiful purpose is that I may see Him!

So look at the universe with reflection

On the earth and heaven of Your Lord

And listen when praises of Him are sung

Say, "O He Who is! At Your service, Allah!

At Your service, Allah!”


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