In this video you are seeing again another Botfly Removal from kitten, and This time it's not actually from the nose where it can get in, but in the neck, it went through the skin and started growing up in there. So it was hard to take it out normally, so the vet tech Shaved the kitten's neck so that it would be visible and for the antiseptic to go in the wound where the Botfly is growing. After that the vet tech pulled the Botfly from the poor kitten's neck and started jumping immediately out of comfort.
To see more of the adorable kitten and the beloved helping vet tech, check her out on:
Tiktok: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMdWn7DfN
Note: All Videos Here On This Channel Have Been Allowed To Be Uploaded On It(except Commentary, it's Original And Added By Me With My Own Voice)
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