What is the result of not drinking enough water daily? You won't have sufficient fluid in your tissues, and you may become chronically dehydrated.
Most people think that until they have a dry mouth is when they should drink water. A dry mouth actually is one of the last signs of dehydration. Our body system is made up of about 70 percent of water. If your body is short of water supply, then it begin to ration your water. If the warning signs are ignored and you don't supply your body with water needed, serious problems begin to surface. It can begin with rectal diseases, irritable bowel, diverticulosis, chronic constipation.....
Lack of water also contributes to varicose veins, heart diseases, high blood pressure, memory loss, asthma, allergies, back and neck pain, kidney stones, high cholesterol......
This is why an adequate supply of water is critical. Every function of the body is related to the flow of blood that carries nutrients, hormones and other element to the tissues. The nutrients first go to the vital organs : your brain, kidneys, liver and lungs.
The shortage of intake of water will cause decrease in water volume in the cells, which affects the efficiency of transporting nutrients and excreting waste products. This results in the body having shortage in nutrients supply and more waste deposited in the cells.
Below are some of the diseases connected to inadequate water intake :
It is the pain of the joints of the body.
At some point in life almost everyone is affected by arthritis or neck and back pain.
Back or neck pain may be caused by disks wearing out due to inadequate fluid in the disk. Your back have disks between vertebral bones that are made up of a fibrous material called anulus fibrosus. It is filled with jelly- like substance called the nucleus pulposus.
75 percent of the weight of the upper body is supported by the nucleus pulposus, which is the fluid inside the disk. Only 25 percent of the upper body weight is supported by the anulus fibrosus. Hence, when the disks become dehydrated they are more prone to herniate and develop degenerative disk disease or arthritis.
Cartilage provides the smooth surface so that joints can glide easily during movement. Cartilage is about 80 percent water. If the cartilage is well hydrated, there is minimal frictional forces, and the joints will remain healthy. However, if the cartilage is dehydrated, there will be increased frictional forces and thus more damage to the cartilage, leading to arthritis.
Avoiding arthritic conditions is just one of the important reasons to drink 8 glasses of water daily. Prevention is better cure !!
This is a condition where the pressure of the blood against the blood vessels is high.
When the body rations water, the flow of water may be constricted to other areas of the body in order to pump blood to the vital organs first. This might lead to the arteries eventually becoming constricted, raising the blood pressure.
Simply by increasing your intake of water, you help to open up your arteries, thus preventing a rise in blood pressure.
If high blood pressure is detected early, drinking up to 8 glasses of water daily may reduce the pressure to normal. If the illness progresses to the point that your kidneys suffer damage, they will not filter properly. In such cases, drinking up to 8 glasses of water daily may actually cause edema (swelling of tissues). It is important to start this process early to avoid becoming dependent on medication.
When a person is water deficit, because the body rations the water to the vital organs first, there may not be enough left to rehydrate the mucous layer in the stomach, which is 98 percent water. The mucous layer protect us from stomach acid. The layer also contains bicarbonate, which neutralizes the stomach acid. When we drink water, the mucous layer becomes much thicker, preventing the acid from burning the stomach lining.
It is proven that most ulcers are caused by bacteria called Helicobacter pylori. Low gastric acid output will encourage the growth of the bacteria. Most ulcers medications reduce or neutralize hydrochloric acid, thus encouraging the growth of the bacteria and creating a vicious cycle.
It is proven that water provides lasting relief from ulcers not expensive medications.
The bronchial tubes - the airways of the body - need water to have moisture in order to prevent constriction.
Astmatics usually have elevated histamine levels. Histamine is a neurotransmitter that causes contraction of muscles in the bronchial tubes, leading to symptoms of asthma. Studies have shown that the production of histamine will decrease as water intake increases.
Water is also an excellent treatment for allergies since allergies are also usually associated with elevated histamine levels.
Elevated histamine causes itchy eyes, nasal draining and other allergic symptoms.
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