Thoughts are Things by Prentice Mulford – Chapter 2: Who Are Our Relations

Thoughts are Things by Prentice Mulford – Chapter 2: Who Are Our Relations

Thoughts are Things by Prentice Mulford – Chapter 2: Who Are Our Relations?

Topics discussed:
- You can neither live healthfully nor comfortably, unless with those whose thought-atmosphere (a literal emanation from them) is similar to your own.
- Every order of mind or quality of thought must have association with a corresponding order of mind and quality of thought, or it will suffer. But ''blood relationship” has little to do with furnishing such order of thought.
- Consequences when allowing your will constantly to be overborne by another; if you give up your own preferences and inclinations and become only another's echo!
- Parent - children relationship dynamics
- How long, should parental control continue over a child?
- Parents sometimes make themselves unjustly responsible, and inflict needless mental suffering on themselves, for the errors and tendencies of their children.
- How a parent may mold a false character for a child.
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