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Some common questions I get:
Inferno tower or tesla? I like inferno tower because it provides you with a way better matchup vs. any beatdown deck and beatdown is used a ton in this meta. Tesla is perfectly viable if you don’t go up against beatdown often because it gives you a better matchup against all non-beatdown matchups.

Knight or valkyrie? Valkyrie helps against goblin drill, but I still think knight is better for a cheaper cycle in classic log bait. In log bait cycle decks with skeletons, valkyrie is necessary because you don’t have goblin gang as a counter to drill.

Rocket or fireball? Although fireball helps against mother witch, rocket is your win condition against many decks and against others, your primary defensive tool. I wouldn’t recommend using fireball in classic log bait.

Ice spirit or electro spirit? Both are equally viable. I play ice spirit because I am comfortable playing with it and most people would like to see gameplay with ice spirit.

For the 4 substitutions, feel free to make any substitutions(even fireball for rocket) if it works better for your specific trophy range.

How to deal with furnace and goblin hut? Princess and ice spirit both will deal with multiple waves of fire spirits/spear goblins so you should save them for the furnace/goblin hut. Log on top of the furnace will kill one fire spirit and cancel another spawn of one so that can be useful too. Against goblin hut you can kill all three death spawn goblins if you time a log properly. If you still need to defend, knight will soak some waves too. Rocketing the furnace/goblin hut and the tower in double and triple elixir when safe is a good play too. If the opponent has both buildings, rocket whatever building they put next to the tower and don’t worry about which building you hit.

How to deal with goblin drill? Goblin gang after the drill pops on the tower will fully counter it. If that isn’t in cycle a knight pre-placed in front of the tower so the drill pops up on it will fully counter it as well. Ice spirit on the first goblin that spawns, then a timed log should counter the drill taking one or no goblin hits.


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