1 Timothy 3 Part 1: Desiring to Pastor? - "Austin Huggins"

1 Timothy 3 Part 1: Desiring to Pastor? - "Austin Huggins"

What s the exact opposition of a qualified pastor in 1 Timothy 3? What does an unqualified heretic from Ephesus look like?
He looks like a man surrounded by scandal and poor reputation, promiscuous in his attitude and behavior with other women, unrestrained, reckless, dishonorable, unwelcoming, a weak capacity to teach Biblical doctrine and disinclined to do so, given to addictions, combative, harsh, angry, teaching mainly for financial gain , a man whose own home reflects a lack of control and whose children are known as being riotous and disobedient, a man full of pride and conceit, unteachable, bringing the church into disrepute and public embarrassment.
If a man aspires to the office of an overseer (pastor) he truly desires a good thing... but only in so far as he desires the right thing, aspires to it in the right way, and is truly called, equipped, and burdened of God to the work!
Behold, many wolves savage wolves have come in among you, not sparing the flock...


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