could this be Brian L. This person walked by my car with his cell phone up high listening to the new "I herd Body found in Wyoming" He walked like no one was around him. I could have pulled out and Run him over hats how focused he was listening. I took a still photo from behind and a recorded him after I pulled out slowly and you see him still listening to the Breaking Need body found. also I followed him from a distance but he notice me following once he got on A1A and made a hard left from the wrong turning lane. cutting people off. cant say for sure. if it was him. but it sure looked like him cleaned up. someone who knows his looks . I hope sees these videos. The Lic # could be KZM L57 Fl. or KZK L57 Fl. this person could be carrying I used caution he had no clue at first until I got behind him. in the vehicle in A1A Ocean Drive in Ft Lauderdale Fl. I almost said Brian turn yourself in police are here. but u kept Quiet and let the video tell the story. only the Good Lord knows.