Inclusive Community Development Network - The power of peers leading

Inclusive Community Development Network - The power of peers leading

The Inclusive Community Development Network (ICDN) was set up to bring people with a disability and organisations together who are interested in sharing knowledge and information about their community development practice and the ways they are building more inclusive communities. The Network is supported and facilitated by the Victorian Advocacy League for Individuals with a Disability (VALID).

The ICDN meets to share information about issues and aspirations and to work on community development projects and campaigns, including the development of pathways to community leadership and influence.

The Network aims to link people to a broader community of practice to help build some common understandings about the power of community development to position people with disabilities as leaders of social change.

The first online forum was 'The power of peer leading' 'and had the following presenters:

Assoc. Professor Michelle Villeneuve and members of the Gippsland Emergency Management Project Steering Group
Adrian Terranova, CEO Gippsland Disability
Annette Axen, VALID Community Development Coordinator
Cam Suhr, Bairnsdale Peer Action Group leader; and
Maureen Webb – wheelchair user and local resident of the Orbost community.
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