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Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=games.NineCentGames.MushRush&hl=en&gl=US
iOS: https://apps.apple.com/kh/app/mush-rush/id1571381351
Welcome to Shroom Land!
Jump into a psychedelic stock trading paradise waiting to be discovered! Play as Shroomy, a young mushroom who hopes to achieve financial freedom by investing in psychedelic stocks. Equipped with several tools to make sound investment decisions, Shroomy ventures into the unknown world of stock trading. With the loving support of his family and neighbours, Shroomy is destined for success!
Shroombucks are the local currency in Shroom Land, and can be used to purchase stocks, furniture, and even real estate! Buy and hold companies like Psyched Wellness and Heroic Doses to become a Shroombuck billionaire!
Read the mainstream media to get the inside scoop on what’s happening in Shroom Land. Whether it’s an erupting volcano, alien invaders, or corruption on Shroom Street, you’ll want to stay informed! Then head over to Shroomit page “shroomstocks” to dive deeper and see what other Shroomit investors are saying.
Check out your parent’s 3-story mushroom house! Pretty nice, right? Someday you’ll be able to afford a house like that, but for now make the most of your parent’s basement by buying items at the shop and personalizing your space.
The neighbours love to stop by and say hello, so don’t be shy! From investment strategies, special offers, wisdom, and wise cracks, there is much to gain from your interactions with the other locals.
Climb the global leaderboards to become the wealthiest Shroom in all of Shroom Land. We can’t wait for you guys to see what we have in store!
Brought to you by the r/shroomstocks team in collaboration with 9 Cent Games.