Music theory concepts ranked by importance

Music theory concepts ranked by importance

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Music theory can certainly be a massively useful tool for musicians looking to unlock their potential. However, you certainly donโ€™t need to every single facet of theory to reap the benefit! So today Iโ€™m going to rank different music theory concepts on their importance and value to hopefully give you a better idea of what is need to know and what is nice to know!

The outro song is my track "Running Man" and is available on my Spotify: ๐ŸŽถ

And, an extra special thanks goes to Douglas Lind, Vidad Flowers, Ivan Pang, Waylon Fairbanks, Jon Dye, Austin Russell, Christopher Ryan, Toot & Paul Peijzel, the channelโ€™s Patreon saints! ๐Ÿ˜‡


0:00 Introduction
1:42 Note names
2:20 Triads
2:58 Seventh chords
3:43 Inversions
4:37 Upper chord extensions
5:23 Ear training
6:30 Intervals
7:17 Major scales
8:11 Pentatonic scales
8:51 Minor scales
9:32 Modes of the major scale
10:19 Modes of other scales
11:10 Exotic scales
11:58 Transposition
12:46 Key signatures
13:17 Roman numeral analysis
14:15 Note values
15:22 Articulation
16:13 Time signatures
17:24 Tuplets
18:20 Rhythmic solfรจge
19:38 Cadences & functional harmony
20:27 Clefs
21:15 Dynamics
22:24 Polyrhythms
23:24 Polymeters
24:41 Tritone substitution
25:54 Microtonality
27:01 Harmonic series
28:06 Temperaments

tier listmusic theoryimportant

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