A tour of our Scoring System 2.0 trophy lodge nearly a year in!
Links to the hunts for many of these trophies:
► Great One Whitetail with a Bow: https://youtu.be/X6sPx5MRc6g
► Piebald Diamond Whitetail: https://youtu.be/66vmnHkSoAI
► Albino Diamond Whitetail: https://youtu.be/6ftxsewZu94
► Diamond Fallow Deer: https://youtu.be/Eax7OBlnAAc
► Albino Fallow Deer: https://youtu.be/WLvC-UjtBY4
► Diamond Bobcat & Coyote: https://youtu.be/CGMbdfBia50
► Diamond Ochre Javelina: https://youtu.be/RHHGT0LZ4RA
► Biggest Diamond Water Buffalo in the Lodge: https://youtu.be/UEgPrIj29WI
► Max Score Gemsbok & Huge Wildebeest: https://youtu.be/hoDOeh3dV0Q
► Diamond Winter Wolf: https://youtu.be/hrfSM_s00YI
► Diamond Fallow with a Bow: https://youtu.be/5R_itjRIEGM
► Diamond Kudu with a Bow: https://youtu.be/09JDVzM3Gck
► Diamond Euro Bison with a Bow: https://youtu.be/rxZexiOPtEs
► Diamond Gemsbok with a Bow: https://youtu.be/9p4SnsWIlnE
► Diamond Red Deer & Blackbuck: https://youtu.be/9AWY2ugqYkQ
► Diamond Cape Buffalo with a Bow: https://youtu.be/5nhPW_zXFQk
► Huge Diamond Reindeer: https://youtu.be/75prk6t7_8Y
► Diamond & Melanistic Wolves: https://youtu.be/WfjS4JoZbA8
► Diamond Lion with a Bow: https://youtu.be/OONr5uCYEWM
► Diamond Mule Deer, Blackbuck, & Axis Deer: https://youtu.be/A05xGomrAA0
► Diamond Jackal & Warthog + Blonde Female Lion: https://youtu.be/1mmorHo-jKI
► Melanistic Plains Bison: https://youtu.be/Nw0ioy0mp-I
► Blackgold Wild Boar & More Rares: https://youtu.be/E98na4VBv7c
►Huge Diamond Cape Buffalo: https://youtu.be/JyABcQSj-aw
► Max Score Diamond Wolf & Diamond Plains Bison with a Bow: https://youtu.be/froTXXweFAw
► Albino Cape Buffalo: https://youtu.be/oh3a-wUlpUM
► Diamond Red Deer, Reindeer, & Wild Boar + 2 Piebald Reindeer: https://youtu.be/LwmhqxtQRUI
► Max Score Javelina & Much More! https://youtu.be/UxNzLf0CfS0
► Diamond & Piebald Coyotes: https://youtu.be/cf9wOaIvOUc
► Diamond Grizzly & Caribou: https://youtu.be/umR7PFRBr0c
► Melanistic Roe Deer: https://youtu.be/0lZQ2WFIpJ4
► Albino Jackrabbit: https://youtu.be/Krfw2em6qx8
► Huge Grey Cape Buffalo: https://youtu.be/KzzseB2e85A
► Diamond Gredos Ibex: https://youtu.be/Y7bN4BxXMXg
► Diamond Ronda, Beceite, & SE Spanish Ibex: https://youtu.be/eATfv7CTejM
► Diamond Musk Deer: https://youtu.be/c1Azwi1LvJc
► Diamond Mountain Goat: https://youtu.be/ZyuhlIW9dUo
► Diamond Rocky Mountain Elk Recurve + Diamond Dark Red Mt Lion: https://youtu.be/M_9KRwdpD4M
► Diamond Pronghorn, Bighorn, Mountain Lion & Turkey: https://youtu.be/ufXMQPtF3UY
► Diamond Mule Deer & Max Score Diamond Bison: https://youtu.be/GZT88Tfp6hM
► Diamond Black Bear & More: https://youtu.be/kZMT1-nHols
► Diamond Red Deer: https://youtu.be/9MbqETtyytw
► Diamond Red Fox: https://youtu.be/6veoOjgHduw
► Diamond Lynx, Lion, & Cape Buffalo: https://youtu.be/hi5ibn6s-0M
► Diamond Pronghorn: https://youtu.be/5mHKUTWvJQ0
► Diamond Mountain Goat & More: https://youtu.be/qjkHTH2w_hs
► Diamond Goose Bow Kill: https://youtu.be/53DWJunSHcQ
► Huge Diamond Bighorn, Albino Bighorn, & Diamond Rocky Mountain Elk: https://youtu.be/ir3JcODZCvw
► Piebald Moose: https://youtu.be/rSvm1SS2B1s
► Diamond Wild Boar: https://youtu.be/P2-6yWqXheg
► Albino Jackrabbit & Diamond Pheasant: https://youtu.be/Cd_o1dBZaTM
► Diamond Feral Pig: https://youtu.be/lBbYLiDyke0
► Diamond Sika & Fallow Deer: https://youtu.be/miiEiuFmVmo
► Diamond Chamois: https://youtu.be/FjV0oXNYbbI
► 2x Diamond Feral Goats: https://youtu.be/AWteLYwYPG8
► Diamond Moose & Bison: https://youtu.be/3PC8iQ_R4-E
► Melanistic Mule Deer & More: https://youtu.be/94AzcWmr16Q
► Grey Diamond Puma & Melanistic Diamond Axis: https://youtu.be/9IIgwQlZGNs
► Diamond Springbok & Warthog: https://youtu.be/OjPgs4CfkT0
► Albino Moose: https://youtu.be/OIw8tCGRVQA
► Red Brown Diamond Wolf: https://youtu.be/qdqaAu2CuNQ
► Brown Diamond Cape Buffalo: https://youtu.be/yP44aRjqitc
► Join the Discord! :D https://discord.gg/XHFZTtw
► Like what I do here? Consider Supporting the channel on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Flinter
► Special thanks to:
RedneckJay - Hamish - Mark - Jesse - Malek - Round Tree Ranch - Jonathan - allstarrider - DasBiel - Killer Kane - Devil Gurr - Derrick - JaxyBeard
who are supporting the channel on Patreon!
► Business Inquiries: flintergamingyt@gmail.com
► PC Specs:
Dell Alienware Aurora
GPU: Nvidia GeForce GTX 1080ti 11GB
CPU: Intel i7 8700k