What was the Star light beacon?
As a result of the Great Hyperspace Disaster which we will discuss in the next video, Supreme Chancellor Lina Soh commissioned the Starlight Beacon, which was meant to be used as a military station if the necessity arose. In addition, it also served as a hospital, observatory, research station, market, and cultural centre.
The Star light beacon also hosted the greatest number of Jedi outside of Coruscant. The Jedi stationed there were originally supposed to be commanded by Jedi Master Jora Malli, but following her death during the Battle of Kur, Avar Kriss was appointed to take her place as the station's commander. Because the area in which the station was located was difficult to traverse, the station served as a navigational beacon, sending out a signal that directed passengers through it, making the starlight beacon imperative to hyperspace travel in the outer-rim.
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