Why do you want to Continue to be Consumed One of Another????

Why do you want to Continue to be Consumed One of Another????

For the Law of the Lord is perfect in converting the soul. Mankind is supposed to allow the Lord to take them on a spiritual journey of being converted. As we press to lay aside every weight and the sin the doeth so easily beset us we learn how to fight using the laws of God. During this broadcast The Lord's Servant Elder Miller and Mother Ginny brings forth the doctrine of NO SIN. This doctrine reveals the purpose the Lord Jesus Christ our savior came into the world for. To save us from our sins.

Spiritual exercise to meditate on several times a day:
Lord God I don't want no sin in our thoughts,
Lord God I don't want no sin in our ways,
Lord God I don't want no sin in our mind,
Lord God I don't want no sin in our heart,
Lord God I don't want no sin in our soul,
Lord God I don't want no sin in our body,
Sin is against you and your Divine Law and Lord God I do not want it.

We are of the generation that will walk in The Lord the way the Lord planned for mankind to walk from the beginning of time. Take Heed, The Lord is in His Temple and has come to set us free from sin!

TAKE HEED, for the Lord is in His Holy Mountain and has come to deliver us from the deceit of the laws of sin and death.

When the Lord shows us who we are, BELIEVE HIM!
Romans 7:1,9,10

Tune in, Open your spirit, allow the Lord to speak and encourage you, and experience what is really means to BE BLESSED (A Life Without SIN!!!!).

There is a battle going on for our souls! Download the CTN Life app!
CTN App download https://www.ctnlife.net/ctn-appdownload

You can reach our head Pastor Elder Miller at (502)408-8836 or
Co-Pastor Mother Ginny at (502)807-9017

Remember this 1st John 5:3 For this is the love of God, that, we keep his commandments: and his commandments are not grievous AND ITS THE TRUTH ANYHOW!!!! GOD BLESS



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