19 puppies abandoned in a cramped cardboard box under the scorching sun

19 puppies abandoned in a cramped cardboard box under the scorching sun

I found 19 small dogs in a cardboard box in an abandoned industrial park
No roof, no shelter, if it suddenly rains, what would happen to the dogs?
When night fell, how scared those innocent eyes will be.
Just imagining it made my heart ache
they were just innocent children, they needed a chance to lived
I needed to end the bad things here, tomorrow when the sun came up will light a new ray of hope for their lives.
19 children were taken to the hospital for necessary checks.
Tests for parvovirus, coronavirus and plague were done, thank God everything was negative
Some smaller dogs had nutritional problems and anemia.
The doctor prescribed medication to supplement the necessary vitamins and made a specific nutritional planed.
I had 11 boys and 8 girls, the youngest girl weighs 1050g, and the oldest boy was almost 3kg.
I also prepared dewormers, vaccines for the first vaccination and toys for them.
My only wish then was to hope that they were all healthy and that nothing happens.
Currently, the health of 19 of our angels was stable and vaccinated for the first time.
They were used to life in their new home.
Every time I appeared they were entwined with tangerines.
Love could won hearts, and these 19 little pups were no exception.
Even though they were been abandoned, they were so sweet and warm
Especially, they always trust people completely
I started making plans to found good families that would be suitable for them.
Every child born deserves loved, protection and especially a home.
The kids were fully vaccinated and live in wonderful families.
It was a joy to watch them grow in love and special care.
Every child was unique, they had their own characteristics, were very active, playful and intelligent.
Everyone was life has its ups and downs, so were 19 children
The storm has passed, the present life and the efforts for the future were the most important things.
This was the result I had been waited for so long.
I wanted to thank everyone for always accompanying and praying for them.
That special affection was an opportunity to save, help, warm, and heal unfortunate lives.
Every journey needs your companionship, so we thank you for your comments to help the channel grow.
Subscribe to the channel to follow the journey of giving new opportunities to less fortunate animals: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCW5opT5XippV_OMW_rsxP8Q
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