Dare To Be a Channel Of Peace and Justice

Dare To Be a Channel Of Peace and Justice

This video conveys the inhumanity of our time. Let us take time to look back our ignorance towards others. Let us make a change by becoming an instrument of Peace and Justice
We are living in a society of the 21st century
A society, highly civilized
Highly digitalized and
Globally connected
Spirituality scattered
Politically divided
Culturally entangled
Where justice is denied and
Peace is becoming a rare experience.
Where are we?
Where are you?
Where is our society? And how is it?
Our society is ailing
Ailing with the faults of learned
With the force of extremists
Our society is crying
Crying for justice and peace.
Didn't you hear the voice?
Voice that sounds helpless
Didn't you notice the fallen?
Who are fallen for no reason
Didn't you see the crowd?
A crowd moving nowhere.
Have you no curiosity to know
Why were your siblings denied the opportunities?
Arise once again
And look at the society around you
Be part of it
And dare to invest yourself
In creating
A structural justice
A structural peace
In society.
Dare to be a channel of peace and justice
by- Fransis Hansdak


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