Hypersensitivity (Allergic) Reaction Types from the Immune System

Hypersensitivity (Allergic) Reaction Types from the Immune System

I talk about the four different types of hypersensitivity reactions (allergic reactions) from your immune system:
Type 1 hypersensitivity reaction: immediate, IgE is released that causes Mast cells to release histamines. Insect bites/pollen make IgE get released within seconds/minutes.
Type 2 hypersensitivity reaction: regulated by IgG/IgM response to cell-bound antigens. Giving a pt the wrong blood type – leads to cytotoxic response.
Type 3: takes several hours to happen. IgG and IgM bind to soluble antigens – drug induced serum sickness (give a pt a drug that is immunogenic).
Type 4: delayed onset – hours/days after exposure – poison oak/ivy exposure.


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