About the Visualizer:
BangerSound Visualizer v3.0 shows a full Frequency Spectrum Analysis in 60fps, redesigned for 4K resolution. It charts the amplitude (in dB) of the frequencies (in Hz) present in both channels (Left & Right) of the song. The scale goes from 0dB (maximum) to silence, and from 0 Hz to 22,000 Hz. Each line marked on the amplitude scale represents another increase / decrease of 6 dB compared to its neighbours, and the quietest line on the chart is -42 dB.
The frequencies are colour-coded by musical note (according to the standard Equal Temperament tuning system A = 440 Hz.)
Note Colour Legend:
C = yellow
C# = yellow/green
D = green
D# = green/turquoise
E = turquoise
F = cyan
F# = cyan/blue
G = blue
Ab = purple
A = pink
Bb = red
B = orange
(repeats every octave)
See the frequency test for audio-visual confirmation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f_M158db5Lw