OHHH - Reporter Lists a Bunch of Biden's Crises... JEN PSAKI's Response: "You didn’t mention Covid"
Ohhh Jen psaki,ohhhh meme,ohhhh ohhhh ohhhh song,ohhhh sound effect,ohhhh ohhhh ohhhh song tik tok,ohhh yeah sound effect,ohhh reaction,ohhh reaction gif,ohhh the reactions are same,Jen Psaki CONFRONTED by Media,jen psaki bomb,jen psaki confronted,jen psaki,jen psaki press conference,jen psaki best moments,jen psaki briefing,jen psaki live press briefing,peter doocy jen psaki,biden press,you didnt mention covid,psaki covid,psaki best moments,#psakibomb
Ohhh Jen psakiohhhh memeohhhh ohhhh ohhhh song