Hey, sis!đź’•
Don’t shrink back! God wants to use you! Do the things he’s placed in your heart to do and be faithful with them!🤍
Let me know your thoughts in the comments!
A song of praise and worship for your time with God!🙌🏽
My pink life application study bible: https://www.amazon.com/Life-Application-Study-Bible-Honeysuckle-DuoTone/dp/B00K68N15W/ref=mp_s_a_1_16?dchild=1&keywords=pink+life+application+study+bible+zondervan&qid=1614680453&sr=8-16
My ESV art journaling bible: https://www.christianbook.com/esv-illuminated-journaling-edition-green-hardcover/9781433557958/pd/557958?en=google&event=SHOP&kw=bibles-20-40%7C557958&p=1179710&dv=m&gclid=CjwKCAjwqIiFBhAHEiwANg9szoT1IpO3kmF97Myqh0DHV2yDrve3G-Uek9yh2DTWt9Iv_d8ad4IJTRoCSnUQAvD_BwE
✏️A website I like to use to study the Bible: https://biblehub.com
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✨Check out a recent upload! https://youtu.be/rbagMOCGa-s
✨My love story testimony! https://youtu.be/m1nC7Kou9l4
đź”” Subscribe đź”” for more encouragement to help you love Jesus more! https://youtube.com/channel/UCPLcCoPBafRGaeeBnRR-KXw
Follow me as I follow Christ!
📲 Instagram: I share Christian content on here as well! @jasmineantoine_ https://instagram.com/jasmineantoine_?igshid=tok1k0ecgpp8
📲 Instagram: Abba’s Girls’ ministry page! https://instagram.com/abbasgirls_?igshid=1kah4tj95ycc
📲 TikTok: @jasmineantoine_ https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMedHLRo9/
đź’ˇ Is there a topic you’d like for me to make a video on? Let me know in the comments!
➡️ Share this video with a sis, bestie, cousin, or an aunt!🤍
Love ya!
-Jasmine 🌸