EU DITHERING lead to Belarus migrant border crisis

EU DITHERING lead to Belarus migrant border crisis

The Belarus-Poland border crisis is the result of EU migrant DITHERING says Polish-British political analyst George Byczynski.

Report by Valerie Browne

Talking to The Sun he said it was the bloc's inability to agree on how to tackle the migrant crisis back in 2015 that became a weak spot and target for Belarus.

Tensions continue to rise on the Belarus -EU border as a crowd of 4,000 migrants tries to break through barbwire fences using wire cutters, shovels and even tree trunks.

Poland has increased the number of troops patrolling the border from 12,000 to 15,000 soldiers.

The border guard said it stopped over 600 illegal crossing attempts although a few dozen still successfully got through.

Smaller-scale border crossing in this area began a few months ago. Poland said 28,000 migrants have breached their borders from Belarus since August.

The European Union accuses Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko of flying migrants from the Iraq, Syria and beyond and bussing them towards the border in order to destabilise the European Union.

The EU calls this an “inhuman, ganger style approach” and as evidence has listed 20 countries that migrants have flown from into Minsk on tourist visas.

The European Union said President Lukashenko is doing this out of retaliation of western sanctions over the crackdown on protests last year.
Protests which followed a disputed presidential election kept him in power.

Despite President Lukashenko denying the allegations his regime orchestrated a crisis, the EU condemns using civilian migrants as political pawns.

As temperatures reach sub-zero at the makeshift border camp, families including small children with no food or water face deplorable conditions.

The Polish Prime Minister has accused Belarus of committing acts of terrorism.

The Sun talked to George Byczynski a Polish-British political analyst to take a deeper look into the situation.

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