Food buying frenzy in eastern China; Chinese star accuses ex-official of sexual assault

Food buying frenzy in eastern China; Chinese star accuses ex-official of sexual assault

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A sexual assault allegation takes the Chinese internet by storm. One of China’s biggest sports players is accusing a former top official of sexual misconduct.

Reports say people in China are stocking up on essentials, while Chinese state-owned media outlets are spreading fake news about Taiwan, saying island residents are panic-buying over fear of a war.

Combating a pandemic isn’t an easy task, but for residents in one Chinese city, leaving town isn’t either. One young woman tells her story after a 7-month ordeal.

Yahoo is leaving China, completely. An expert says U.S. companies like Yahoo cannot afford China's censorship.

China’s reported hypersonic missile test surprises the United States. But according to a former Defense Department official, this is not enough to serve as a wake-up call.

00:00 Intro
00:52 Chinese star accuses ex-official of sexual assault
03:23 Food buying frenzy in eastern China
05:19 Beijing locals stockpile, officials deny shortage
05:56 Chinese media reports fake news on Taiwan
06:53 Local explains difficulty leaving a virus-hit city
09:25 Chinese students ages 3-11 made to get the jab
11:35 Yahoo pulls out of Chinese market
13:57 EU lawmakers make 1st official visit to Taiwan
16:24 Interview: Michael Pillsbury on China
19:37 U.S., EU launch global methane pledge

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Food buying frenzy in eastern China; Chinese star accuses ex-official of #SexualAssault
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