Leach Field Instructional Video for DIYers and Contractors

Leach Field Instructional Video for DIYers and Contractors

How to build a leach field:

Leach fields are probably one of the hardest projects for a DIYer and most contractors can't even wrap their brain around it. So if you have to watch this video a couple of times or ask some questions in the comments section you know by all means we're going to get you there!

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FDM's Leach Field Kits: https://frenchdrainman.com/drainage-kits/leach-field-kits/

All Yard Drain Supplies: https://www.frenchdrainman.com/store


French Drain Man โ€“ Michiganโ€™s Yard Water Drainage Experts. Masters in the art of constructing contained French drain systems & curtain drain systems that and fix your yard drainage problems for years to come. Over 30 yearsโ€™ experience in solving yard water drainage problems in Oakland, Macomb, Lapeer, and St. Clair Counties.

French Drain Man / Sherwood Landscape Construction, LLC

P.O. Box 777

Almont, MI 48003




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Leach Field Instructional Video for DIYers and Contractors

#leachfield #watercontainment

how to build a leach fieldYard DrainageYard Drainage Contractor

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