“When anyone is outrageously dressed in the effort to attain comfort…it casts a slur on the whole society of lady golfers…”: The evolution of women’s golf wear in Britain 1890-1940.
The clothing worn by women to play golf during the late nineteenth and early twentieth century was largely dictated by wider society’s ideas about what was considered to be appropriate clothing for women. Up until the twentieth century, the clothes worn by women to play golf were therefore merely an extension of their everyday wear, indeed they were often modified day wear rather than sports clothes designed for the course. During the early twentieth century, that changed with elite clothing manufacturers beginning to develop specialised golf clothing and by the interwar years these items of clothing had become accessible to the masses. This talk will discuss the evolution of women’s golf clothing during the period 1890- 1940, highlighting key developments in women’s golf fashion during this period and the people and ideas behind these developments.
Dr Fiona Skillen Glasgow Caledonian University @FionaSkillen
Dr Fiona Skillen is a senior lecturer in History in the Dept of Social Sciences, School for Business and Society at Glasgow Caledonian University. Her research interests concern modern history, in particular aspects of sport, gender and popular culture. She is particularly interested in women’s sport during the late 19th and 20th centuries and has published in this area extensively. She regularly contributes to radio and television programmes on the history of sport, including the award-winning Radio 4 series Sport and the British and STV’s People’s History Show series. She is a former Chair of British Society of Sport History and an editor of the International Journal of the History of Sport. She comes from a family of golfers and played regularly until she was a teenager.
Lauren Beatty, Glasgow Caledonian University @LaurenB81867746
Lauren Beatty is a Collaborative Doctorate Partnership PhD student enrolled at Glasgow Caledonian and working in collaboration with the R&A World Golf Museum. She has a degree in History with French from the University of Dundee and a Masters in Museum and Gallery Studies from the University of St Andrews. She is passionate about Museum work and Scottish Social History and has been fortunate enough to be able combine both interests in her current PhD research. She has her own Women in Golf in Scotland PhD Blog which she contributes to regularly with updates from her research: https://womeningolfinscotlandphdblog.wordpress.com/blog/ .