I imagine this happened because Beckett skipped the downtime sessions to go pray or something. What a nerd.
#DnD #Comic #Theweeklyroll
This comic was made by the very talented CME_T (https://www.instagram.com/cme_t/). Please check out their comic at https://www.reddit.com/r/TheWeeklyRoll/)
The gnomish necromancer was voiced by the amazing Alpaca Alix! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMlXk43HBLX48ouNPbSItYQ
If anyone wants to recommend Dungeons and Dragons, general fantasy, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k or just other good webcomics to me go ahead! I'll ask for creator permission then dub em.
Dungeons and dragonsD&D webcomiccomic dub