Kashmir is on edge after four people including two militants and two civilians were killed in a gunfight on Monday in Srinagar's Hyderpora area. The civilians killed in the gunfight were identified as Mohd Altaf and Dr Mudasir Gul. The J&K police said that Mohd Altaf was killed in cross-fire while Mudasir was an associate of the militants. However, the families have contested police claims, alleging both were used as human shield by forces and denied their association with militants. Both the civilians were buried by police along with two militants somewhere in north Kashmir, triggering protests by families of the deceased and political parties who are demanding return of bodies for final rites. J&K Lt. Guv Manoj Sinha has ordered a magisterial probe into the encounter and assured that 'no injustice would be done'. Watch this report for more.
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