Become extremely popular subliminal

Become extremely popular subliminal

I am extremely popular.
Everybody likes me.
I am always on everybody’s mind positively.
I always make the best first impressions.
I am always the first choice.
I am extremely liked by everyone.
Everybody is positively drawn towards me.
I get along with everybody.
I only have people talking positively about me.
Everybody only talks and thinks positively about me.
Everybody treats me like an angel.
Everybody always compliments me.
Everybody has me as their favorite person.
Everybody takes the first step when it comes to our relationships.
Everybody genuinely wants to be my friend.
Everybody that’s my preferred gender always wants to date me and be together with me.
Everybody treats me positively like royalty.
Everybody genuinely wishes me the best.
Everybody is immune to being jealous of me.
Everybody helps me and genuinely cares about me.
I am a royalty in everybody’s eyes.
I am an icon in everybody’s eyes.
I am a perfection in everybody’s eyes.
I am superior in everybody’s eyes.
I am beautiful in everybody’s eyes.
I am attractive in everybody’s eyes.
I have so many true friends.
I get new loyal friends everyday.
I am naturally social.
I have extremely good social skills.
I become rapidly more popular every second.
I become drastically more popular every second.
I am too popular with everybody.
I am always being approached by loyal and kind people.
I am naturally popular with everybody I meet.
I attract people with good intentions at the speed of light.
I attract good, loyal people at the speed of light.
I attract true caring people at the speed of light.
I attract loving friends at the speed of light.
I attract people who are beautiful on both the outside and the inside at the speed of light.
Everybody treats me with complete respect.
Everybody treats me with complete kindness.
Everybody treats me with complete sympathy and empathy.
Everybody treats me with complete care.
Everybody treats me with complete consideration.
I manifest extreme popularity.
I will always be popular with everybody.
I continue to effortlessly be the most popular person ever.
I radiate pure popularity.
I am naturally charismatic and funny.
Why do I naturally become popular with everybody I meet?
My aura keeps attracting people with good intentions.
I am grateful that I am so popular with everybody.
I am so happy that I am popular with everybody.
I am overjoyed that I am so popular with everybody.
I understand that I am extremely popular everywhere.
I know that I am extremely popular everywhere.
I believe that I am extremely popular everywhere.
I am a magnet for popularity at the speed of light.
I am forced to be extremely popular.
I am completely immune to stop being popular.
I am completely immune to mean, jealous and negative rumours spreading about me.
I am completely immune to being cancelled anywhere.
I am completely immune to being disliked.
I am completely immune to not being the most popular person everywhere.
I will stay popular no matter what.
I am only in a positive spotlight.
I only attract good attention.
I keep staying in the spotlight but only for positive reasons.
I will only always have positive attention on me.
I am always portrayed as an angel.
I am always portrayed as a good person.
I am always portrayed as a god or goddess.
I am always portrayed as a saint.
I am always portrayed as a main character.
It’s my birthright to be the most popular person everywhere I go.
It’s my fate to be the most popular person everywhere I go.
Everybody thinks highly and positively about me.
I am constantly getting more and more popular.
I will continue to get more and more popular forever.
Everybody admires me.
Everybody begs me to go to their parties and gatherings.
Everybody loves being in my presence.
Everybody thinks I’m interesting and iconic.
Everybody is attracted to me either platonically or romantically.
I am perfect in everybody’s eyes.
My personality screams popular.
My life is completely free from jealousy.
My life is completely free from toxicity.
My life is completely free from drama.

Added booster:

⁂ Remember to drink water and take breaks
⁂ All affirmations are safe
⁂ Not layered or forced until it says it in the title
⁂ Can be listened to at 2x speed & with one earbud
⁂ All subs are unisex if it doesn’t say gender in title

About me:
♋️ Cancer
🧸 Infp
🎀 She/Her


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