Your Soft Skills are What Really Matter as a Leader

Your Soft Skills are What Really Matter as a Leader

Today's video is a great conversation I had with Jillian Michaels about the soft skills in business and why being a kind and empathic leader trumps all the business knowledge and skill in the world. I am super pumped for you to give this a watch, I know it will provide some genuine value.

For More Info on Jillian Michaels:

Thanks for watching!
Check out another series on my channel:
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Overrated Underrated (Hot-takes on Culture):
Gary Vaynerchuk Original Films:
Trash Talk:

Gary Vaynerchuk is one of the world’s leading marketing experts, a New York Times bestselling author, and the chairman of VaynerX, a modern-day communications company and the active CEO of VaynerMedia, a contemporary global creative and media agency built to drive business outcomes for their partners. He is a highly popular public speaker, and a prolific investor with investments in companies such as Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Venmo, Coinbase, Slack, and Uber. Gary is a board/advisory member of Bojangles’ Restaurants, MikMak, Pencils of Promise, and is a longtime Well Member of Charity: Water. He’s also an avid sports card investor and collector. He lives in New York City.

Gary VaynerchukGaryvee businessgary vee

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