A partnership of equals, can only come with financial self-sufficiency. Make sure that you never have to ask for anything other than their time and for a place in their heart. Our gold-loans, give you the power to stay empowered and independent, at every juncture and turn of your life.
Directed By Martin Prakkat.
Agency - Media Expressions
Creative House - THNKK
Production House - Martin Prakkat Films
DOP - Jomon T John
Concept - Sarat Prakash
Project Designer - Kiran James
Executive Producer- Bineesh Chandran
Music - Mathen
Art Director - Diljith
Chief Associate Director - Jithu Ashraf
Associate Director - Jayaraj R
Editor - Nabu Usman
Audio Mix - Rajakrishnan
Grade - Bilal
Assistant Director- Dev Anand
1st AC - Sudev
Production Manager- Jithin
Sfx - Charles
Vfx - Promice
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Facebook: https://bit.ly/3yRvaj4
Instagram: https://bit.ly/3H73lGn
Twitter: https://bit.ly/33MK2Up
LinkedIn: https://bit.ly/3elA2no
Website: https://bit.ly/33VrIbV
#GoldLoans #EmpoweredWomen #EqualPartners #FinancialIndependence #MuthoottuMini #Finance #Investment #Loan #QuickLoan #Brand #Marketing #BrandFilm #InstantLoan