US using Ukraine conflict to ramp up tensions over Taiwan issue' is bound to get burned' itself

US using Ukraine conflict to ramp up tensions over Taiwan issue' is bound to get burned' itself

CCTV: US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said on April 6 that the US has the ability and resolve to use sanctions against China as it has against Russia following Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine if Beijing “invades” Taiwan. US Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman said the same day that Beijing should take away the right lessons from the coordinated Western response over Ukraine that any moves by China to take Taiwan by force would not be acceptable. Do you have any comment?

Zhao Lijian: There is but one China in the world and Taiwan is an inalienable part of China’s territory. The Taiwan question is an issue left over from the civil war in China. The means of its resolution is China’s internal affair, where no foreign country has any right to interfere. The Chinese people’s resolve and will to defend our sovereignty and territorial integrity is unwavering. We will strive for the prospect of peaceful reunification with utmost sincerity and efforts. That being said, we reserve the option of taking all necessary measures in response to the interference of foreign forces and the secessionist activities of a handful of “Taiwan independence” separatists.

Currently there is a new wave of tension across the Taiwan Strait. The root cause is that the authorities in Taiwan keep pushing for the independence agenda by soliciting US support and that some in the US attempt to use Taiwan to contain China. The two sides have been colluding with each other. Some people even deliberately draw an analogy between Taiwan and Ukraine despite their completely different nature in an attempt to confuse public opinion and profit from the chaos. This is playing with fire. Those who play with fire are bound to get burned themselves.

Editor: Zhu Yan

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