Gregorian chant: Antiphon - Franciscus, Vir Catholicus / Francis, the wholly catholic (Lyric video)

Gregorian chant: Antiphon - Franciscus, Vir Catholicus / Francis, the wholly catholic (Lyric video)

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About the chant:
Francis vir catholicus, lauds Saint Francis orthodoxy, describing him as the “wholly catholic and apostolic man,” making clear that the way of life Francis lived and proposed is in accord with the teachings of the church. This antiphon is based upon the Vita Prima, which states that “Francis put the faith of the Holy Roman church above and beyond all things, preserving, honouring and following it, since the salvation of all who would be saved was found in it alone.” It also echoes some of Francis’ letters where he refers to a certain individual as “catholic” and exhorts reverence toward the ordained clergy, especially because they minister the body and blood of Christ in the eucharist. The second antiphon enumerates representatives of the church significant in the foundation of the Franciscan fraternity (Popes Innocent III, Honorius III and Gregory IX), while the third antiphon details Francis’ prophecy that Cardinal Hugolino, later Pope Gregory IX, would rise to the papacy.
This chant was performed by Armoniosoincanto / Conductor: Franco Radicchia
(C) 2011 La Maggiore
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Chant text in Latin:
Franciscus, vir catholicus
et totus apostolicus,
Ecclesiae teneri
fidem Romanae docuit,
Presbyterosque monuit
prae cunctis revereri.
Dixit Dominus Domino meo
sede a dextris meis
donec ponam inimicos tuos
scabellum pedum tuorum
Gloria Patri, et Filio, et Spiritui sancto.
Sicut erat in principio, et nunc, et semper
et in saecula saeculorum, Amen
Franciscus, vir catholicus
et totus apostolicus,
Ecclesiae teneri
fidem Romanae docuit,
Presbyterosque monuit
prae cunctis revereri.

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