Hey y'all! 👋 Check out the most vs least expensive homes in San Antonio that were sold last week (9/19-9/25) ... what a crazy difference in price! 🤯 Let's see what sells this week so that we can compare the most and least expensive for this week in San Antonio.
As always if you have any questions about buying or selling a house, give me call! My contact info is below 👇
📲 cell: (210) 413-7117
📧 email: brianna.moltz@gmail.com
🌐 website: https://briannamoltz.exprealty.com/
💻 Book a ZOOM call with me: https://calendly.com/brianna-moltz/15min
⬇️ Check out this list of current affordable homes in San Antonio ⬇️
🏡 https://myre.io/0xmO4YYSEe2b
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✅ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@briannamoltz.realtor
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✅ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/brianna-moltz-6123ab84/
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➡️ https://briannamoltz.exprealty.careers/ ⬅️
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