After two years in development, Five Nights at Treasure Island's grand conclusion Oblitus Casa finally released on Gamejolt, only for the game to be REMOVED mere hours later.
Of course, I got my hands on it, and my gosh... it may just be the best FNAF fangame ever made.
Five Nights at Treasure Island was one of the first FNAF fangames to achieve major popularity, and nearly a decade later, the series has finally concluded with OBLITUS CASA Radiance Team's massive conclusion to the FNaTI saga.
OBLITUS CASA ON GAMEJOLT: https://gamejolt.com/games/OblitusCasa/356260
As mentioned above, the game isn't currently available for download; the developers have temporarily revoked it in order to make a few last minute tweaks. However, it should be available again very, very soon.
Unfortunately, at the time of this video's release, it's been over 24 hours since _Oblitus Casa_ and the updated release isn't out yet. It should be out super soon.
Obviously there are going to be spoilers in this video, so if you don't wan't spoilers, I'm not sure why you clicked this video!
Thanks for watching.
Five Nights at Treasure Island - @markiplier: youtu.be/MmGvkKp4wL4
Steamboat Willie Whistle Lo Fi - 재주넘는진영: youtu.be/BcE6kB5vHNo
#FNAF #FiveNightsAtFreddys #FNAFFangame #TreasureIsland #Animatronics #Disney #MickeyMouse